Friday, May 24, 2013

Everything is old is new again (again)...

And how strange this fire, this figure
That draws such things from still and silenced hands

That calls me to write her

The gentle dark inside my eyes
A warm itch beneath my skin

The siren heart beating, beating
Until the wave bows back
Aching, crumbling, crushed by gravity
And the restless turning of the earth

I need to hold her
So intensely that I cannot hold myself

Tight in my cheeks, in my bow-string shoulders
The surging blood of every lost and agonizing Romeo

God, to sleep inside her voice
Is to know that my heart will never truly sleep again

And in her I hold everything
But my own compass,
A surrender spinning what was lost
With what might be

To love like this is to be possessed completely

To love like this is to inherit the earth

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